During the early 2000’s the fashion industry saw a huge shift towards a simpler style. Everywhere you went you would see people sporting t-shirts, hats, rings, jumpers, and all manner,

When it comes to talking about video games many people spend a lot of their time talking about graphics or gameplay styles, but the reality is that video games as,

When discussing video game culture many people love to share factoids, especially about games that made their youths brighter or games that changed their lives for the better. Many of,

Writing a hit single is what every musician would want to achieve as they grow their career in the entertainment industry. A hit song is what makes one become popular,

At one point or another, we have all experienced exhaustion. Exhaustion is unfortunately just a part of life, especially if you have a busy schedule. Exhaustion is not a nice,

Since its release in 2011, Minecraft has become a cultural phenomenon, known for its creative gameplay, expansive virtual worlds, and thriving community. One aspect of the game that often goes,

looking for something specific.